Sabudana Kheer | Sago Payasam with step-by-step pictures and detailed recipes. This Indian Sweet Pudding made from Sabudana or also known as Tapioca Pearls is one of the popular ones specially prepared during Fasting or Vrat.
Firstly Wash Sabudana pearls in water and soak it for 3-4 hours till they absorb all the water and fluff.
See to it there is no water left and the Sabudana is soft.
Now boil water in a pan, add Sabudana pearls to it and cook till it becomes transparent and soft to touch.
Take out from the fire and allow it to settle for a minute drain off the water which stands on top.
Heat full-fat milk in a heavy-bottomed pan and let it come to a boiling point.
Now add cooked Sabudana pearls in the boiling milk and cook it in reduced flame.
Add sugar and mix gently till it dissolves on a reduced flame and stirring it often in between.
Take mortar and pastel and crush cardamom seeds to a powder.
Add Cardamom powder to the boiling milk and keep stirring.
Take warm milk in a small bowl and soak saffron strands in it. Wait for 5 minutes and crush the saffron strands in milk so that it will release its deep orange color.
Now add saffron to the boiling milk.
Boil it further for 3-4 minutes till the milk thickens and switch off the flame and allow it to cool.
Once the kheer cools down, almonds and pistachio flakes and dry rose petals and serve it chilled.